Crispy Peanut Tofu With Summer Vegetables


Ingredients: tofu, peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, olives, oregano, peanuts


Healthy and fresh Summer Vegetables! It’s one of the best ways to use up the abundance of summer vegetables and it’s perfectly foolproof dish. It’s a pretty, colorful, vegetable stew-like recipe that makes a hearty side or nutritious main dish. Let’s not forget about the deliiiicious Crispy Peanut Tofu!

Curabitur id ante tortor. Curabitur at porta neque. Donec venenatis enim sapien, ut malesuada odio volutpat sed. Phasellus faucibus urna nec nulla luctus, non accumsan purus vestibulum. Nam scelerisque luctus urna, quis vestibulum ex euismod non. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Additional information

SKU: 9504000059172 Category: Tags: , , ,
Protein (g)

4.4 / 100g


No extra ingredients, Onions, Tofu, Tomatoes